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This is the text version of persona Deepthi.

Persona Deepthi’s Empathy Map
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Content |
What does Deepthi hear? |
- Nuances.
- Background noises.
- Assistive technologies are expensive.
- Assistive technologies are difficult to learn.
- Employers don’t want blind people.
What does Deepthi think and feel? |
- Physiologically hardwired for seeing.
- Frustration and anxiety.
- At risk.
- Dependent on others and support.
- In-confident.
- Worried can never work.
- Worried about getting lost.
- Worried about being foolish.
- What do people think – do I look stupid?
What does Deepthi see? |
What does Deepthi say and do? |
- Positivity.
- “Barriers are in the mind”.
- “Bruises are learning medals”.
- Where’s the can?”
- “Don’t leave me at the door”.
- Can you help me?”
- “I don’t have to see it to enjoy it”.
What are Deepthi’s pains? |
- “So much to learn”.
- “Signs? What signs?”
- “Can’t read f’ing braille”.
- Battery life of smartphone.
- Vulnerable.
- Easy to loose phone.
What are Deepthi’s gains? |
- iOS assistive technologies.
- NCBI training.
- Travel apps are pretty good.
- Voice controlled user interfaces.
- Hepatic feedback.
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